
Org. type
Maria Velez
Founded in
You can now share your Office document easily with your friends and colleagues or directly share it with your Office. You can also work on projects with your Teams with Microsoft Office Teams. Nowadays, most of the touch devices come with a pen. The office is one of the best pen-based notebook-style software that will give you flexibility and support all your pen devices. Your office will autosave your documents while you are working on it. In case you lose power or something goes wrong. Your work will be saved and you will not lose your work. While working on Office, You might get some errors in a coded form and you won’t even know what it is. If that is freaking you out. It is not even a big issue. You can simply type that error in your Google search bar and you will the answer to it. Office errors are mostly in 0x0000 form and can be easily fixed. Microsoft also sends bugs report and error reports to its server to fix the problem in the next update if it already does not have a solution. You can always call Microsoft to fix the problem for you.
Funding details
Service /Product types
Los Angeles